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Officer Black Belt Ending Explained In Detail, How Did A Street Fight Lead To Jung-Do Joining The Police Force?

Officer black belt ending explained in detail
Officer black belt ending explained in detail (2024)

“Officer Black Belt” is a South Korean action-comedy film directed and written by Jason Kim. It stars Kim Woo-bin and Kim Sung-kyun. The story is about a martial arts officer who handles criminals with electronic ankle bracelets and helps probation officers. The movie runs for 1 hour and 48 minutes. It will be available on Netflix starting September 13, 2024.

Cast with Characters

  • Kim Woo-bin as Lee Jung-do:A skilled martial artist who manages criminals with electronic ankle bracelets and aids probation officers.
  • Kim Sung-kyun as Kim Sun-min: A probation officer who recruits and mentors Jung-do.
  • Lee Hae-young: A senior officer overseeing the Ministry of Justice’s operations.
  • Kim Yool-ho: A fellow martial arts officer who supports Jung-do on missions.

Plot Summary

“Officer Black Belt” is an action-comedy film about Lee Jung-do, a martial artist skilled in taekwondo, kendo, and judo. He starts as a delivery boy, but his life changes when he helps a police officer in a street fight. Impressed by his bravery, probation officer Kim Sun-min hires him as a martial arts officer. Jung-do’s job is to keep track of criminals with electronic ankle bracelets and help stop crimes. The movie mixes exciting action with funny moments, showing Jung-do’s growth and hard work as he faces many challenges.Will Jung-do be able to handle the pressure and prove himself in his new role?

Who Is The Main Character And What Is His Mindset?

Jung-do Is the main character in this movie. We see that he is a very high achiever who received first place in regular promotions for this award and for him having a funny mindset is important, which is why he is healthy and happy. He only does fun stuff. And there’s nothing, he loves more than sports and e sports. Because he always wins.

How Did Jung-Do Transition From A Delivery Boy To Working With The Police?

Jung-Do Transition From A Delivery Boy To Police officer
Jung-Do Transition From A Delivery Boy To Police officer

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Jung-Do started out working as a delivery driver, but he was very skilled in martial arts, holding black belts in taekwondo, kendo, and judo. Even though his job was delivering things, people knew about his martial arts skills, and he often helped others when they needed it. His strong sense of right and wrong guided him in everything he did.

His life took a turn when he met Kim Sun-min, a probation officer who saw something special in him. She believed that his martial arts training could help with keeping criminals in check, especially those who had to wear ankle monitors. Kim offered him a job at the Ministry of Justice, where his skills could be put to good use.

One night, Jung-Do saw a police officer struggling to catch a suspect. Without hesitation, he stepped in and used his martial arts training to help the officer take control of the situation. The officer was thankful and praised Jung-Do for his quick thinking and bravery. The next day, Jung-Do was invited to the police station to be formally recognized for his actions.

During the recognition, Jung-Do stood proudly alongside the female head officer for a picture. This moment was a big step in his life, marking his change from a delivery worker to someone respected in law enforcement. Soon after, his hiring process was sped up, and he began training for his new role, learning how to combine his martial arts skills with new knowledge about the law and equipment for tracking criminals.

What Does Kim Sun-Min Explain To Jung-Do About The Role Of A Martial Arts Officer?

Kim Sun-Min Explain To Jung-Do About The Role Of A Martial Arts Officer
Kim Sun-Min Explain To Jung-Do About The Role Of A Martial Arts Officer

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After the picture is taken, Kim Sun-min approaches Jung-Do and introduces himself as the manager of the electronic monitoring division. He asks Jung-Do for a few minutes to talk, and Jung-Do agrees. During their conversation, Kim Sun-min explains that around 5,000 ex-cons across the country, who committed violent crimes like sexual assault or murder, are monitored using GPS ankle bracelets. He mentions that these criminals have a high chance of reoffending, which is why probation officers like him monitor them 24/7. 

Kim Sun-min also informs Jung-Do that the man he helped earlier, Mr. Cho, is a martial arts officer. From time to time, the ex-cons cause trouble, and the officers have to act fast to handle the situation and protect public safety. Kim Sun-min admits that older officers like himself aren’t strong enough to physically overpower these criminals, which is why they work with younger, physically capable partners like martial arts officers.

He then asks Jung-Do about his job, and Jung-Do tells him that he works as a delivery man for his father’s chicken restaurant. Kim Sun-min mentions that Mr. Cho noticed Jung-Do looked like he practiced martial arts. Jung-Do confirms that he holds a third Dan in both Taekwondo and Judo, as well as Kendo. 

Kim Sun-min then asks if he could request a favor. He explains that the martial arts officers work in shifts, but with Mr. Cho injured, the other two officers are covering for him, working long hours for five weeks. Kim Sun-min says that Mr. Cho thought Jung-Do’s skills would be helpful and asked if he could help them out. 

Jung-Do hesitates and asks if he’s qualified. Kim Sun-min reassures him that with a third Dan or higher in Taekwondo, Judo, or Hapkido, he is qualified. Jung-Do then asks if the job is fun, which is important to him. Kim Sun-min responds that while everyone has their own idea of fun, he promises it’s a rewarding job that they are proud of because they’re keeping innocent people safe. When Jung-Do asks again if it’s fun, Kim Sun-min replies that he believes Jung-Do will learn a lot while working with them.

What Is Jung-Do’s First Case About?

Jung-Do's first case as an officer
Jung-Do’s first case as an officer

As a new martial arts officer, Jung-Do is at his desk, getting used to his job. While checking the monitoring system, he sees a warning about the low battery on Lee Yang-Ho’s ankle bracelet. Lee, a 20-year-old on probation for a serious sex crime, needs to be watched closely to make sure he follows his probation rules and doesn’t endanger the community.

Realizing the importance of the situation, Jung-Do tells his partner, Kim Sun-Min. They understand that if the battery dies, the bracelet might stop working, and Lee could move around unnoticed.

Jung-Do and Sun-Min quickly go to find Lee Yang-Ho, using the last known location from the system. They track him to a remote area, where Jung-Do’s martial arts skills and quick actions are crucial as they approach carefully. Lee, who had a knife with him, sneaks out of a window and tries to fight Jung-Do. Jung-Do, confident in his fighting skills, just smirks. With one kick, he knocks Lee down and uses a taser to subdue him.

When they find Lee, he tries to resist at first, but Jung-Do’s training helps him handle the situation well. They change the bracelet’s battery and make sure it’s working properly.

This first case teaches Jung-Do a lot. It shows how important it is to be alert and act quickly. Successfully solving the case earns him respect from his coworkers and strengthens his commitment to his job.

Jung-Do’s handling of Lee Yang-Ho’s case shows he can adapt to his new role and use his martial arts skills effectively. It sets the stage for his future work, emphasizing the need for teamwork, quick thinking, and dedication to his job.

What Do We Learn About Mr. Kim Sun-Min In The Restaurant When He Talks About His Role To Jung-Do And His Friends?

Mr. Kim Sun-Min shared that he wanted to become a probation officer because of a car accident he had as a child. When he was 10, his car was hit by another car, crushing the rear door and trapping his legs. The engine caught fire, and he thought he might die. He regretted not having more time to enjoy life and reflected on his New Year’s money spent on jewelry. During the accident, police came and rescued him, which inspired him to help others by becoming a police officer.

The accident left him with a shorter left leg, making it hard to run. So, he looked for other ways to contribute and learned about probation officers who help prevent repeat offenses. After getting married and becoming a father, his job became even more important to him. He mentioned that some of the ex-convicts he monitors are child sex offenders, which was met with applause.

What Deal Does The Man In The Black Car Offer To Kang Ki-jung Regarding Video Content On The Dark Web?

While Jung-do is still tracking Kang Ki-jung, he discovers that Kang is about to get into a large black car. Inside the car, a man makes a direct offer to Kang. The man explains that he specialises in distributing specific video content on the dark web. He tells Kang that if he provides videos of children, the man will distribute them and pay Kang 10 million won for each 10-minute video.

The man also mentions that Byung-soon will assist in recording and editing the videos and finding the children needed for the content. He assures Kang that he has nothing to lose by taking up the offer. Kang agrees to the deal, saying it sounds good.

What Happened To Mr. Kim And Mr. Cho After The Dangerous Case?

After a dangerous case, Jung-do was badly injured and ended up in the hospital. When he woke up, he asked about Mr. Kim. The female police officer told him that Mr. Kim had broken his neck and was undergoing surgery. Jung-do asked if this would result in full body paralysis. The officer reassured him that, fortunately, Mr. Kim’s nerves were not damaged, so he would recover, although it would take time. She then informed Jung-do that Mr. Cho had been declared brain dead. The police are currently investigating his sudden cardiac arrest on the scene.

Does This Movie Have A Happy Ending?

Yes, “Officer Black Belt” ends on a positive note. Jung-do overcomes many tough challenges and proves himself as a skilled martial arts officer. His bravery and abilities earn him the respect of his peers.

In the final scenes, Jung-do faces a dangerous criminal, using his martial arts skills to capture him. Despite getting hurt, he succeeds in bringing the criminal to justice. The movie finishes with Jung-do recovering in the hospital, surrounded by supportive friends and colleagues, showing his growth and the strong relationships he’s built.

The ending highlights Jung-do’s journey from a delivery boy to a respected officer, emphasising hard work and teamwork. It’s a satisfying and hopeful conclusion.

Is This Movie Suitable For Children And Families?

“Officer Black Belt” is rated TV-14 on Netflix. This means it’s okay for viewers 14 and older. The movie may have intense action, some violence, and mild language, which might not be suitable for younger kids.

It’s fine for teens and adults, but parents might want to watch it first or with their teens to see if it’s right for their family.