“Illusions for Sale: The Rise and Fall of Generation Zoe” (translated El vendedor de ilusiones: El caso Generación Zoe) is a newly released investigative documentary directed by Matias Gueilburt and written by Nicholas Gueilbuet. It reveals the rapid rise and dramatic collapse of Generation Zoe, a Latin American financial platform known for its charm but lacking in substance. It brings Leonardo Cositorto, Maximiliano Batista, and Juliana Companys on screen. Available on Netflix, the documentary uses archival footage and interviews with key figures to explore the story of the company’s mysterious founder and the passionate belief that drove its brief success.
“Illusions for Sale” explores the bold vision of Leonardo Cositorto, a charismatic entrepreneur known for his financial scams and exaggerated claims. In 2018, Cositorto launched Generation Zoe, a financial platform promising revolutionary investments and financial freedom. The documentary covers the company’s early success, driven by a clever social media strategy and Cositorto’s magnetic personality. However, as cracks start to appear, the film examines the shady financial practices and legal issues that led to Generation Zoe’s collapse.
What Is This Documentary About?
“Illusions of Sale: The Rise and Fall of Generation Zoe” probes into the elaborate ploy by Leonardo Cositorto. Why did he start Generation Zoe? What caused him to fail on his promises eventually? The narratives of the sufferers are contained in it, which show the risks hidden behind easy money lending. People were more vulnerable during this time because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this is how Generation Zoe succeeded. This documentary underscores a single, but important, message: there are no shortcuts to success and to never fall for large financial pledges. Quick money always leads to severe consequences, as indicated by victims’ stories. Although it may seem difficult initially, the film becomes easier to understand once you grasp its style.
What Is Generation Zoe?
The documentary starts with a 1998 clip of Leonardo Cositorto. Leonardo Cositorto, the enigmatic founder of Generation Zoe, in a speech that moved his audience, urged them to revive their lives through the simple exercise of self-introspection using mirrors. We also see news reports where Interpol’s orders for Cositorto’s detainment shed light on Generation Zoe’s alleged Ponzi scheme, leaving behind a trail of financial wreckage and legal chaos.
Founded by Leonardo Cositorto, a well-known media figure with a compelling life story, “Generación Zoe” marketed itself as a community dedicated to personal, professional, financial, and spiritual growth. It claimed to generate profits through trading and offered a guaranteed 7.5% monthly return on investment for three years to those who invested in its “trust.”
The organization’s assurance of riches and wealth is set off against charges of deceit and exploitation as investigations uncover an intricate web of lies that run through multiple nations. While Cositorto’s dream for freedom collides with the harsh reality of scandal, this story changes from being an inspiring one to a cautionary tale about the dangers associated with ill-placed confidence in others, leading to terrible consequences in a globalized world where easy wealth cannot be guaranteed any longer.
Generation Zoe represented itself as a technologically advanced society that wanted personal, professional, financial, and spiritual growth. It guaranteed comprehensive growth and money-making opportunities, such as holistic self-improvement. The mainstay of its attraction was the assertion to create wealth through modern trade strategies, which offered investors a fixed 7.5% every month within three years. Mostly, those interested in stable and considerable financial gains were greatly lured by this promise.
Nevertheless, it was another story altogether when one looked at the real situation. Argentinians were not only deceived but also many other people worldwide. The Zoe brand penetrated international markets, where several firms were formed under the same name. These bodies had a common theme of promising radically high yields on investment while advocating for their community’s aims of total development too.
Victims Of Generation Zoe Speak: Belen And Silvia

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In the heart of Villa María, a vibrant city located in the fertile Pampa Húmeda region of Argentina, Belén and Silvia found themselves being pulled into Cositorto’s ontological coaching. Initially, it was only money for a better life that Belén wanted as a plain housewife. For her part, Silvia and Claudio Álvarez embarked on a mission to help people like Belén realize who they really are in order to release their inherent potential.
The coaching sessions did more than just guide Belén’s professional growth; they brought meaning and revealed untapped capacities within her. In the silence of Villa María, however, rumors about an emerging Generación Zoe started going around. The woman saw through social media how Zoe people lived, having curiosities about why they lived so richly and wanting personal improvement as well as wealth.
As he traveled across Latin America, speaking to audiences that included Belén about his promise to bring prosperity via an innovative educational model based on coaching principles ignited passion in them. Influenced by financial security and personal development, she went to see Claudio Álvarez during one of his Zoe presentations, whereby the Zoe membership system was irresistible with its pillars of leadership training, referral programs, tourist incentive programs, and investment opportunities.
The shadow of Generation Zoe broadened with its influence. Some people, including Belén and Silvia, staked not only their hopes but also their savings in that movement, only to be trapped in a web of fraud and poverty after Generation Zoe crashed. The reality was harsher than Belén’s dreams of personal development and self-empowerment, which ended up being overshadowed by exploitation and manipulation, leaving her grappling with broken illusions.
Maximiliano Batista Joins Zoe During COVID

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The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 led to the enforcement of strict lockdown measures globally by governments aimed at containing the virus. Maximiliano Batista, a 43-year-old man with considerable experience at work, reflected on his life as he thought about new prospects. But what he didn’t understand was that when he met an old friend, Leonardo Cositorto, it would change many people’s lives.
Maximiliano found himself in Generation Zoe when he got invited to join a coaching venture led by Cositorto. What started off as an opportunity for growth, both personally and financially, turned out to be a mishmash of grand visions coupled with promises beyond any measure. With charismatic leadership and captivating speeches, Cositorto attracted diverse groups of individuals, all searching for their own path towards success and prosperity.
For Belén, she could not resist the temptation offered by social status and economic independence. As she herself was increasingly submerged into Generation Zoe’s world, attending conferences and bringing other people into this cult-like organization, she became engulfed in some sort of luxury wonderland filled with abundance. On the other hand, Mirian, another member of Generation Zoe, was motivated by the need to gain financial independence and a better life for her family. She was like many others who had been enticed by high returns on minimal efforts without knowing about the risks behind that.
Exposing Generation Zoe: Sergio’s Investigative Journey Unveils A Pyramid Scheme

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When Sergio, a reporter for “El Diario,” noticed some discrepancies, he became interested. It began with the innocent realization that receptionists and salespeople were missing and were replaced by Generation Zoe affiliates, among other things; however, it turned out to be something more serious than just that.
Alarming patterns began to emerge as Sergio continued his investigations. Some similarities found in an earlier scandal involving Soluciones Diarias caught his eye. Convinced by what she had learned from her research, Sergio reached out to authorities, who informed him of an unregistered Generation Zoe with orders for its closure.
Despite threats from Cositorto himself, Sergio composed his first ever exposé, which exposed the shady activities of Generation Zoe. However, many other people decided not to resist the temptation of quick money, as depicted by its exponential growth rate. In addition, thousands were wooed into this Ponzi scheme with dreams of sky-high returns because they believed in this dream so strongly.
But beneath all these achievements, cracks were starting to appear. There was Beto Mendeleiev (Javier Smaldone)—an anonymous Twitter user—who raised the alarm, exposing this as a pyramid scheme: one tweet at a time. Cracks begin forming around Cositorto’s empire as more and more people got to know.
What Legal Action Was Taken Against Generation Zoe?

Authorities and the public were shocked by the Generation Zoe scandal. Earlier, Leonardo Cositorto, the founder of this organization, was adored for his inspirational speeches, but now he is subject to a thorough investigation by Villa María and Córdoba District Attorney Juliana Companys.
Juliana’s team of lawyers found “Zoe”-labeled documents and entered into the company’s activities. The Soluciones Diarias Scam had strikingly similar operations to those of Generation Zoe. One of the team members, Alejandro Bianco, went so far as to visit Zoe’s office pretending to request a loan, where he realized that they were actually promoting an investment that gave unrealistic monthly returns of 7.5% and bonuses on enrolling others, which made it evident beyond a reasonable doubt that it was another pyramid scam.
Florencia Bortolussi’s social media buzz proved everybody right about Zoe being a scam. Uncertainty around the absence of any official victims in the beginning complicated this case even more. However, when things started falling apart in this scheme, Interpol issued an arrest warrant against Cositorto.
Public outrage followed Coutorito and his accomplices fleeing out of their motherland. He lured many with guaranteed high profits from investment bots, although such appeals were not true. The provision of the Christmas bot that promised doubling investments within three months caused funds to pour in, but when it came time to pay out, the money disappeared without trace.
Investor fury also grew as economic pressure increased. His supporters turned against him and demanded a refund, while there were some reports of violence and threats. In search of money, desperate investors even hurried to Zoe’s offices, thus creating chaotic scenes.
Juliana’s opposite number closely followed the moves of Cositorto, providing evidence on how he was trying to gain support as well as shift blame. On the other hand, it became evident that Generation Zoe was a Ponzi scheme despite his allegations of suffering from systemic attacks, a situation that left many investors without money.
The investigation established that Cositorto had not meant all that he said; he had used Generation Zoe for an elaborate scam. This scandal underlines the risks associated with unmitigated greed and calls for vigilance in financial investments. What once seemed like a path to financial freedom turned out to be a story of deceit and treachery.
Zoe Office In Alicante Closes Over Suspicions Of Operating A Pyramid Scheme

An Alicante office of the Zoe company has closed down on allegations of being a pyramid scheme. The once-fast-growing office now stands empty, bewildering investors who have been left to count their losses.
Chaos and anger were reported by former employees and investors after the office abruptly shut down on February 14th, leaving behind a sign post with an inactive telephone number. There were no bosses among the investors, as well as empty safes.
Subsequently, Juliana Companys, the district attorney, began receiving claims from unpaid investors that warranted investigation. Claudio Álvarez and others involved in the scam had arrest warrants against them, while Leonardo Cositorto and Maxi Batista escaped from Spain. However, Interpol apprehended Cositorto later in the Dominican Republic, while Batista went back home to Argentina, where he gave himself up.
It was revealed that Zoe’s trading operations were not real. However, most of the invested $120 million went into tax havens and internet wallets. This may have been one of the largest frauds in history, having taken away savings accounts, homesteads, and inheritances that added up to $400 million for people within Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Spain, and many more countries.
Cositorto and Batista remain in custody awaiting trial, but others involved are still at large or active in other multi-level marketing companies. The Zoe case highlights the dangers of high-return investment schemes and the need for caution and thorough research when investing.