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Home Authors Posts by Debosmita Das

Debosmita Das

Debosmita Das
Debosmita Das is a content writer based in Kolkata who is currently pursing her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication at Jadavpur University. She's a serial reader and wildly passionate about writing poetry. She strongly believes in the power of the written word and its ability to bring a change. She loves research writing and presenting facts. Apart from reading and writing, she enjoys watching and critiquing films.
"Gangs of Galicia" ("Clanes" in Spanish) is a newly released Netflix show about drug trafficking in the beautiful landscape of Galicia. Directed by Manuel Rivas (“The Snow Queen”), it stars Clara Lago, as a determined lawyer and Tamar Novas as Daniel who plays the role of a son of...
“How to Ruin Love: The Proposal” (2024) is a newly released South African rom-com directed by siblings Katleho Ramaphakela and Rethabile Ramaphakela. This heartfelt and funny 4-episode series stars Sivenathi Mabuya and Bohang Moeko in the lead roles. The story revolves around the main character, Zoleka, who is an...
Recently, Netflix released ‘A Part of You,’ a Swedish drama about teenagers going through adolescence. It is directed by Sigge Eklund, a director, producer, novelist, and podcaster. The protagonist, Agnes, is portrayed by Felicia Maxime, an upcoming actress. Zara Larsson, the pop star, plays effortlessly cool older sister Julia,...
“Bionic” is a newly released Brazilian sci-fi movie, directed by Afonso Poyart. Jessica Córes and Gabrielly Nunez are featured in the film as Maria and Gabi, respectively. Both are gifted siblings who want to excel in sports. However, their dreams also change dramatically due to the arrival of athletes...
Netflix just dropped "Geek Girl," a delightful British-Canadian comedy about growing up, directed by Anthony Leo. Based on the book series "Geek Girl" by Holly Smale, this series stars Emily Carey, Emmanuel Imani, and Liam Woodrum. Emily Carey shines as Harriet Manners, a lovably quirky character. The show tracks...
Netflix's "Jurassic World: Chaos Theory" (2024) is an exciting new animated series that continues the story from the "Jurassic World" franchise. Created by Scott Kreamer and Zack Stentz, the series features the voices of Paul-Mikél Williams as Darius Bowman, Darren Barnet as Kenji Kon, and Sean Giambrone as Ben...
"Colors of Evil: Red" (2024) is a Polish crime thriller on Netflix, directed by Adrian Panek. The movie is adapted from the first book in a trilogy of the same name by Polish author Małgorzata Oliwia Sobczak. The title of the trilogy is "Colors of Evil," with each book...
"Illusions for Sale: The Rise and Fall of Generation Zoe'' (translated El vendedor de ilusiones: El caso Generación Zoe) is a newly released investigative documentary directed by Matias Gueilburt and written by Nicholas Gueilbuet. It reveals the rapid rise and dramatic collapse of Generation Zoe, a Latin American financial...
"My Oni Girl" (2024) is a newly released coming-of-age anime adventure by the production companies Studio Colorido and Twin Engine. Directed by Tomotaka Shibayama, the film boasts the voice talents of Kensho Ono, Miyu Tomita, Noriko Hidaka, Satsuki Yukino, and Miou Tanaka. "My Oni Girl" follows a shy high...
“Atlas” (2024) is a newly released sci-fi film currently available for streaming on Netflix. Jennifer Lopez makes a comeback to sci-fi action in this movie. Directed by the bombastic Brad Peyton’s (“San Andreas”) and written by Leo Sardarian and Aron Eli Coliete, it also stars Simu Liu, Lana Parilla,...
The beloved manga series “Garouden” by Baku Yumemakura got an anime series adaptation on Netflix. This gritty and action-packed anime is named "Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf" (2024). Directed by Atsushi Ikariya, the series is voiced by Ryouta Takeuchi as Juzo Fujimura, a troubled man with a...
Starring Ryan Gosling, “The Fall Guy” (2024) is finally available to watch on Prime Video. Loosely based on the 80s TV series of the same name, this action-comedy, directed by David Leitch (“John Wick”), adds some pedal-to-the-metal thrills and knee-slapping comedy to the usual formula. Ryan Gosling stars as...