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Anino Whiso

Anino Whiso
An English Literature graduate with a BA degree, I bring with me a year of experience as a content writer. With a passion for creative writing and a knack for organization. Additionally, I hold a certificate in English phonetics for speaking and writing.I am empathetic, open-minded, and always eager to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth.
"Parasyte: The Grey" is a Korean sci-fi horror drama, with 6 episodes, directed and co-written by Yeon Sang-ho. It was released on April 5, 2024, inspired by the Japanese manga "Parasyte" by Hitoshi Iwaaki. The series is currently streaming on Netflix. Plot summary  The Korean drama revolves around a parasite that...
"Unlocked" is a Korean movie that premiered on February 17, 2023. It falls under the thriller and crime genres and runs for 1 hour and 57 minutes. Chun Woo-hee takes on the main lead role, portraying Lee Na Mi. The movie was both written and directed by Kim Tae-joon....
"Mea Culpa," a two-hour film, is both written and directed by Tyler Perry. Released on February 23, 2024, it is available for viewing on Netflix. The lead role of Mea Harper is portrayed by Kelly Rowland. However, despite its star-studded cast, the film has received mixed reviews. Plot Summary This movie...
"The Bequeathed" is a six-episode Korean drama, blending thriller and suspense genres. It's written by Yeon Sang-ho, Min Hong-nam, and Hwang Eun-young, with direction by Min Hong-nam. The series premiered on January 19, 2024, and is available for streaming on Hitv and Netflix.  Plot Summary This is a drama revolving around...
"Ballerina" is a Korean action-thriller film with a runtime of 1 hour and 33 minutes, released on 5th October 2023, revolving around themes of revenge. This Korean movie is available for streaming on Netflix and HiTV. Plot Summary The story of the film revolves around a girl named Jang Ok-ju, who...
Main Cast: Na Ah Jeong, Lee Ji-Han, Lee Do-Han, Yoon Chae Won Total Episodes:12 Watch on: HiTv, Viki Previous Episodes Summary: Wedding Impossible EP 1 to 8, Ep 9 and 10 Summary of Episode 11 After confessing everything to the reporters and after their departure, we witness the meeting between Lee Do-Han and his grandfather, during which we discover that the...
Main Cast: Kim Soo-Hyun, Kim Ji-won, Park Sung-hoon  Total Episodes:16 Watch on: Netflix Previous Episodes Summary: Queen of Tears EP 1 to 6 Episode 7 In this episode, we witness Hong Hae-in becoming deeply upset with her husband upon learning about the divorce. She is in such emotional turmoil that she nearly gets hit by...
"FLEX X COP" is a 2024 Korean drama in the genres of action, comedy and crime with 16 episodes in total. It is written by Kim Ba-da and directed by Kim Jae-hong. IMDb rates it as 7.9/10. You can watch it on HiTV and Disney+ Hotstar. Summary The truth revealed of...
"Captivating the King" is a 2024 Korean drama with 16 episodes. It is written by Kim Seon-deok and directed by Cho Nam-guk. You can watch it on Netflix. Summary King Lee In argues with his mother over Kang Hee-soo. King Lee In remains committed to the late king's wish to make his...
"Badland Hunters" is a 2024 Korean movie in the genre of action and adventure, co-written by D.P. creator Kim Bo-tong and Kwak Jae-min, and directed by Heo Hyeong Haeng, it was released on January 26, 2024 on Netflix. Starring Ma Dong Seok as Nam San, Lee Hee Joon as Yang...
Main Cast: Na Ah Jeong, Lee Ji-Han, Lee Do-Han, Yoon Chae Won Total Episodes:12 Watch on: HiTv, Viki, Amazon Prime Video Previous Episodes Summary: Wedding Impossible EP 1 to 8 Summary of Episode 9 This episode starts a bit awkwardly with Na Ah Jeong and Lee Ji-Han walking down the street and talking. After discussing what might...
"Chicken Nugget" is a comedy mystery K-drama released in March 2024, written and directed by Lee Byeong-heon. The drama is currently streaming on Netflix Ott app. Chick Nugget Cast Introduction and Brief Ryu Seung-Ryong portrays the role of Choi Sun-Man:  He is Choi Min-Ah's father, deeply devoted to his daughter, having...