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Anino Whiso

Anino Whiso
An English Literature graduate with a BA degree, I bring with me a year of experience as a content writer. With a passion for creative writing and a knack for organization. Additionally, I hold a certificate in English phonetics for speaking and writing.I am empathetic, open-minded, and always eager to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth.
Midsummer Night Story Carina and her husband invite close friends and family to celebrate 'Midsummer Night' while also sharing a very important message. Despite the revelation of some secrets, they remain united, showcasing the true meaning of love. Midsummer Night Review "Midsummer Night" is a captivating series that navigates the ups and...
Zack Snyder's directional "Rebel Moon: The Scargiver" is a sequel of "Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire," which came out in 2023. The part 2 is said to be a Sci-Fi adventure film, released on April 12, 2024 on Netflix. The total runtime of the film is about 2...
"What Jennifer Did" is a compelling 1-hour and 27-minute crime documentary that delves into a significant incident occurring in 2010. Available for streaming on Netflix, this thought-provoking film was released on April 10, 2024, and skillfully directed by Jenny Popplewell. Plot Summary In 2010, Jennifer Pan orchestrated a shocking crime in...
"Midsummer Night" is a Swedish series comprising five episodes. It premiered on April 11, 2024, and is available for streaming on Netflix. Plot Summary This story revolves around a family gathering to celebrate the Midsummer event with their loved ones and friends. Throughout the celebration, numerous secrets are brought to light....
"Stolen," a Swedish film, hit theatres on April 12, 2024, offering viewers a thrilling blend of drama and crime. Directed by Elle Márjá Eira, the movie runs for 1 hour and 47 minutes, providing a captivating cinematic experience. For those who prefer streaming, "Stolen" is available on Netflix. The...
"The Hijacking of Flight 601" is a captivating Colombian series released on April 10, 2024. Based on a true story, its roots in reality add an extra layer of intrigue. Classified under the crime thriller genre, it's available for streaming exclusively on Netflix. Plot Summary Two men seize control of a...
"Baby Reindeer" is a thrilling TV show with 7 episodes that came out on Netflix on April 11, 2024. It's based on a play by Richard Gadd, who also stars as the main character, Donny. The show draws from the real-life experiences of the writer and director, adding an...
'Anthracite,' a thrilling 2024 series comprising six heart-pounding episodes, has been available on Netflix since April 10th, 2024. Prepare to be captivated by the chilling tale of a cult grappling with the haunting specter of mass suicide. This suspenseful masterpiece, blending elements of mystery and crime, comes straight from...
Directed by Cuneyt Kaya and Marvin Kren, and released on April 2, 2024, this series hails from Germany and comprises eight episodes. Available on Netflix, it falls under the genre of crime fiction and thriller. The storyline centers around a character named Charly and his family, whose peaceful life is...
The key drama, "The Impossible Heir," was released between February 28 and April 3, comprising 12 episodes. The director of this drama is Min Yeon-Hong, and the writer is Choi Won. This drama falls under the genres of thriller, political and business. Plot summary This drama revolves around three main characters:...
Main Cast: Kim Soo-Hyun, Kim Ji-won, Park Sung-hoon  Total Episodes:16 Watch on: Netflix Previous Episodes Summary: Episodes 7 and 8, Episodes 1 to 6 Episode 9 This episode opens with a group of people protesting for land compensation. Now, the Hong Hae-In family is in big danger, with all of their accounts frozen by Moh Seul-Hee,...