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Anino Whiso

Anino Whiso
An English Literature graduate with a BA degree, I bring with me a year of experience as a content writer. With a passion for creative writing and a knack for organization. Additionally, I hold a certificate in English phonetics for speaking and writing.I am empathetic, open-minded, and always eager to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth.
The wait is over! May 2024 is here, bringing a wave of cinematic excitement. This month’s releases have something for everyone, from action-packed blockbusters to heartwarming dramas. So, which series will you choose to watch first? Let's explore the top 7 picks! Frankly Speaking Released on: 1 May 2024 Streaming Platform: HiTV...
Step into the extravagant world of South Korea's elite with "Super Rich in Korea," the latest reality series hitting screens today, May 7th, 2024 with 6 episodes. Led by the charismatic trio of GOT7's Bambam, Mimi, and Jo Se Ho, this show promises an immersive peek into the opulent...
"Hide," an intense K-drama filled with suspense, murder, and mystery. Written by Lee Hee-soo, Choi Ah-yul, and Hwang Yu-jeong, and directed by Kim Dong-hwi. With its gripping plot and intriguing characters, "Hide" is sure to keep viewers glued to their screens. Plot Summary In this thrilling drama, we follow the story...
"Postcards" is a delightful Nigerian series consisting of six captivating episodes, each running between 26 to 37 minutes, making it perfect for a cosy evening watch. Directed and produced by the talented Hamisha Daryani Ahuja, this series made its grand debut on Netflix on May 3rd, 2024. Follow the...
Step right up and get ready for a laugh-out-loud adventure with this brand-new movie! If you're into funny but totally believable stories, this flick is just what you need. It's called "Unfrosted" and it's a snappy 1 hour and 36 minutes of pure entertainment. It hit the Netflix streaming...
"Fiasco" is a French comedy series consisting of 7 episodes, released on April 30, 2024 on Netflix. Each episode has a runtime of approximately 39 to 40 minutes. Directed by Igor Gotesman and co-created with Pierre Niney, the series serves as a satirical take on the film industry. Plot Summary The...
"Goodbye Earth" is a captivating Korean drama comprising 12 episodes. This gripping sci-fi dystopian series is penned by Jung Sung-joo and skillfully directed by Kim Jin-min. Released on April 26, 2024, it's now available for streaming on Netflix, promising viewers an enthralling journey through its thought-provoking narrative. Plot Summary In this...
"Dead Boy Detectives" is an eight-episode series blending drama, occult detective, supernatural horror, and superhero genres. Released on April 25, 2024, it was developed by Steve Yockey, drawing inspiration from the DC Comics characters created by Neil Gaiman and Matt Wagner. Available exclusively on Netflix, it promises an intriguing...
"City Hunter," directed by Yuichi Sato, is a Japanese movie adaptation of the beloved manga series created by Tsukasa Hojo. Running at a duration of 1 hour and 44 minutes, it made its debut on April 25, 2024, and is now available for viewing on Netflix. Plot Summary This story is...
"Deliver Me" is a captivating series with 5 episodes released on April 24th, 2024, based on the acclaimed novel by Malin Persson Giolito. Set in the Swedish language, this cinematic masterpiece is skillfully directed by Anna Zackrisson. Available for streaming exclusively on Netflix, "Deliver Me" promises an immersive experience,...
Recap of Queen of Tears Queen of Tears Episodes 1 to 6 Queen of Tears Episodes 7 and 8 Queen of Tears Episodes 9 and 10 Episode 11 Hong Hae-In rushed to the hospital, and Baek Hyun-Woo stayed by her side. Her family learned of this and hurried back to Seoul, finding details of...
Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver Story In a village threatened by invaders from the Mother World, Kora and her band of resilient warriors unite to protect their home. Together, they prepare for the onslaught, bracing themselves for a fierce battle. As the enemy forces descend upon them, chaos erupts...