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Anino Whiso

Anino Whiso
An English Literature graduate with a BA degree, I bring with me a year of experience as a content writer. With a passion for creative writing and a knack for organization. Additionally, I hold a certificate in English phonetics for speaking and writing.I am empathetic, open-minded, and always eager to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth.
The Korean drama "Blood Free" was created by Lee Soo-yeon and directed by Park Chul-hwan. It tells the story of a powerful biotech company, BF, and its CEO whose decisions come under scrutiny. The series aired globally on Disney+ from April 10 to May 8, 2024, every Wednesday, and...
"IF" is a 104-minute fantasy comedy film written and directed by John Krasinski. Released on May 17, 2024, in the United States, the movie blends elements of comedy, fantasy, family, and animation. It is currently available to watch in theatres and can also be streamed on a website called...
"Under the Gun" is a Korean drama consisting of six episodes, fully released in April 2024. Written by Lee Hae Ri and directed by Hong Chung Gi, this series falls under the genres of romance and youth. Plot Summary Go Gun, the son of a professional poker player, is forced to...
"Monster," a 1-hour and 24-minute film, is a remake of the 2020 U.S. movie "The Boy Behind the Door." Written by David Charbonier, Justin Powell, and Alim Sudio, and directed by Rako Prijanto, this horror thriller was released on Netflix in 2024. Plot Summary  The movie "Monster" on Netflix tells the...
"Chief Detective 1958" is a Korean drama written by Kim Young-Shin and directed by Kim Sung-Hoon. It is a retro crime investigation series with 10 episodes. The show aired from April 19 to May 18, 2024. It was made in South Korea and it is currently streaming on Disney...
“The 8 Show” is a newly released Korean thriller/dark comedy series on Netflix that puts eight strangers in a high-stakes social experiment, thus obliterating all the boundaries between reality TV and survivor drama. Written and directed by Han Jae-rim, the series features Ryu Jun-yeol, Chun Woo-hee, Park Jeong-min, and...
"Bandidos" is a seven-episode series written by Pablo Tébar and directed by Adrian Grünberg and Javier Ruiz Caldera. It was released on March 13, 2024, and is an adventure and action show. The story is original, inspired by Mexican history and folklore, and is set in Mexico with dialogue...
"Abigail" is an exciting movie written by Stephen Shields and Guy Busick, directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett. It runs for 1 hour and 49 minutes. It premiered on April 7, 2024, at the Overlook Film Festival and hit theatres in the United States on April 19, 2024....
Recap Of Queen Of Tears Queen of Tears Episodes 1 to 6 Queen of Tears Episodes 7 and 8 Queen of Tears Episodes 9 and 10 Queen of Tears Episodes 11 to 14 Episode 15 Yoon Hae-in and Hong Hyun-woo are working hard to stop Mo Seul-hee and Yoon Eun-seong once and for all. They...
Welcome to "Bodkin"! It's a show that mixes dark comedy with thrilling twists. With just one season and seven episodes, it's perfect for a quick binge-watch. Produced by Higher Ground and WIIP, it premiered on May 9, 2024, exclusively on Netflix. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of laughs...
"Thank You, Next" is a Turkish TV show that came out on May 9, 2024. It's a funny and romantic show. Ece Yörenç wrote it, and Bertan Başaran directed it. You can see it on Netflix. There are 8 episodes in total. Plot Summary Leyla, a successful lawyer, is hired to...
"Nothing Uncovered" is a Korean drama that explores the genres of melodrama, thriller, and romance. The series consists of 16 episodes and was fully released in May 2024 on Amazon Prime and Viki. Get ready to dive into a captivating story that combines emotional depth, suspenseful twists, and romantic...