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Home Authors Posts by Anino Whiso

Anino Whiso

Anino Whiso
An English Literature graduate with a BA degree, I bring with me a year of experience as a content writer. With a passion for creative writing and a knack for organization. Additionally, I hold a certificate in English phonetics for speaking and writing.I am empathetic, open-minded, and always eager to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth.
"The Decameron" is a series made and written by Kathleen Jordan. Michael Uppendahl directed four of the eight episodes. This show mixes dark humour with soap opera style, looking at class differences, power struggles, and survival during a pandemic. It has eight episodes, each about an hour long. The...
"A Very Vermont Christmas'' (2024), directed by John Stimpson and written by Steven Kent and Pamela Rice, is a romantic film set to be released on July 20, 2024. The movie, which runs for 84 minutes, is in English and falls under the romance genre. One can watch this...
Sweet Home Season 3, consisting of 10 episodes, premiered on July 19, 2024. The duration of each episode ranges from 42 to 60 minutes. Available for streaming on Netflix, this series adapts the Naver webtoon crafted by Kim Carnby and Hwang Young-chan. Helmed by director Lee Eung-bok, the show...
"Master of the House," a Thai show in the mystery and thriller genres, started on July 18, 2024. You can watch it on Netflix. The show is directed by Karn Sivaroj Kongsakul and written by Mai Sita Likitvanichkul, Oat Vatanyu Ingkavivat, Nut Nualpang, and Weeras Worrapot. There are seven...
"Find Me Falling," a delightful blend of comedy, music, and romance, premiered on July 19, 2024. Written and directed by the talented Stelana, this English-language film offers 1 hour and 33 minutes of pure entertainment. Now available for streaming on Netflix, it’s the perfect pick for a cosy movie...
"Bitter Sweet Hell" is a Korean drama that aired from May 24 to June 29, 2024, with 12 episodes, each approximately 50 minutes long. Directed by Lee Dong-Hyun and written by Nam Ji-yeon, this mystery/black comedy can be watched on MBC TV, Viu (in selected regions), HiTV, and Dramacool. Plot...
"Dare to Love Me" is a 2024 South Korean TV series based on Sun Woo's Naver Webtoon. It aired on KBS2 from May 13 to July 2, 2024. You can watch it on HiTV, Viki, and Dramacool in certain areas. The show is a romantic comedy with 16 episodes....
"The Player 2: Master of Swindlers" is a Korean drama that aired from June 3, 2024, to July 9, 2024, spanning 12 episodes. Written by Park Sang-Moon and Choi Seul-Ki, this series is the second season of "The Player," which first premiered in 2018. This drama can be watched...
"The Whirlwind" is a Korean political drama written by Park Kyung-soo and directed by Kim Yong-wan. It premiered on Netflix on June 28, 2024, and has 16 episodes. You can also watch it on HiTV and DramaCool. Cast with Characters Sol Kyung-gu acts as Park Dong-ho, a clever and powerful Prime...
"The Midnight Romance in Hagwon" is a Korean drama comprising 16 episodes. It was written by Park Kyung-hwa and directed by Ahn Pan-seok. The series premiered on May 11, 2024, and falls under the genres of Romance and Melodrama. Viewers can stream it on TVING in South Korea, and...
"Dreaming of a Freaking Fairy tale" is a Korean drama with 10 episodes that aired from May 31 to June 28, 2024. Written by Yoo Ja and directed by Kim Min-Kyung, this romantic comedy series is inspired by the classic Cinderella fairytale. It is available for streaming on TVING,...
Season 3 of "Bridgerton" premiered on Netflix with the first four episodes on May 16, 2024, and the last four on June 13, 2024. This season, which mixed romance and drama, had eight episodes, each about 60 minutes long. Viewers rated it 6.5 out of 10 on IMDb. Multiple...